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Gutter Cleaner

If you want a cleaner gutter, get this gutter cleaner.

Simply attach the gutter cleaner to any garden hose and you are ready to go.

The light gutter cleaner reaches up to 54 inches, 137 cm and effectivly, quickly and easily clears your gutters of leaves and light debris.

The gutter cleaner works using the high water pressure from your hose, then directing the flow with an angled nozzle which can swivel 360 degrees to shoot water left or right or to direct the flow.

Thoughtfully designed, the gutter cleaner has its very own on off valve. This is self contained so can be used without the gutter cleaner too.

As you use your gutter cleaner, you will appreciate its exceptional build quality.

You can see from the gutter cleaner illustration how the unit is put together with sturdy nut and bolt style connectors and a washer to provide fit.

None of this is at the expense of lightness

The gutter cleaner also does other handy jobs around the home like helping with car and patio washing and as the length gives height is also useful when window cleaning or cleaning outdoor panels.

As we may have said: if you want a cleaner gutter, get this gutter cleaner.

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