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Apple Pro Peeler

Apple pro peeler is a breakthrough in apple peeler design.

Made from beautiful transparent nylon, apple pro peeler works as well as it looks

Place your apple on the apple pro peeler spike.

Turn the handle, and watch the cogs turn.

Your apple pro peeler is working

Watch the stainless steel blade peel your apple from bottom to top.

Notice that the apple is upright on a spike, so there is no clumsy fiddling with an apple lathe

See how your apple pro peeler adapts to different apple shapes and sizes because the arm is spring loaded to adjust.

When you are done, check your apples.

Apple pro peeler is designed to remove the apple peel not masses of fruit.

As you would expect apple pro peeler is also safety conscious.

It has suction grip feet for stability and plastic protectors for both blade and spike holder.

So that you will get the most out of your apple pro peeler, three blades, instructions and a recipe booklet are included

Apple pro peeler is made from from resistant nylon and is also easy to clean and store

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