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Rust converter

The Fertan rust converter treatment helps remove loose rust fast and converts more stable rust to a super hard glossy black shield to help give long lasting protection to all iron surfaces

Simply brush Fertan rust converter onto area that needs treatment and leave

Fertan rust converter instantly starts converting rust into a new rust proof surface, you can actually see it work as the rust changes color.

The idea is to convert conserve and retain as much material as possible. You can then leave Fertan rust converter treated surface glossy black after treatment or paint the repair when you like.

Fertan rust converter is perfect for:

  • Car rust repair
  • lawn mover
  • outdoor furniture
  • auto rust repair
  • garden tools
  • bicycles
  • more
    The Fertan rust converter bottle even says
  • boats!

Fertan Rust Converter treatment comes in a 500ml 17.60oz (uk) 16.91oz (us) bottle
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