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microfiber cloth.

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We also have big microfiber cloth 3 16 x 16and optical microfiber cloth

Micro Fiber Miracle Cloth

Set of 4 microfiber cloths

  • One 6"x6" optical size microfiber cloth
  • Two 12"x12" All purpose size microfiber cloth
  • One 16"x16" Super size microfiber cloth

Micro Fiber Miracle Cloth

Cleans Everything Faster, Easier and Better!

Saves You Money Because Amazing microfiber cloth Works Without Cleansers!

Made of Supersoft Microfibers That Go Deep Into The Pores of Surfaces to Loosen and Absorb Dirt Like Magic!

microfiber cloth Soaks Up 7 Times its Weight in Liquids... Quickly Cleans Up Spills!

Wash and re-Use microfiber cloths Over and Over Again.... Lasts For Years!

Made of supersoft microfibers that go deep into the pores of surfaces to loosen and absorb dirt like magic.

Microfiber cloth Works without water and chemicals

Set of 4 microfiber cloths

  • One 6"x6" optical size microfiber cloth
  • Two 12"x12" All purpose size microfiber cloths
  • One 16"x16" Super size microfiber cloth
Household Goods & Items > > microfiber cloth

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